Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tonya's big baby is here!

Oliver Glen Tittle was born at 2:45 p.m. on Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009.

Weighing in at a whopping 10 lbs
Height 22 inches

Because so many of my clients I consider close like family I will share with you that Oliver had a hard time entering the world at first.  The cord was wrapped around his neck and his shoulders and butt got stuck so the doctor had to tug pretty hard along with my pushes.  He had to get an x-ray on both his shoulder & his head.  Both turned out fine.

At the posting of this blog entry I have yet to hold him in my arms as he was rushed off to ICU where he will remain all evening.  Mark says he is doing better and the staff in ICU says he will be just fine.  I will be able to view him when I switch rooms in a little while.  I will have to send milk to the nursery so he can get some great nutrients.

Thanks all of you for all your prayers, texts, and phone messages wishing me a healthy delivery and recovery.

I am doing well and will do even better when I get to hold Oliver.

Happy Holidays,

Tonya Tittle
Energy Fitness


  1. The NEW O-G !!!

    Look at all the trouble you saved by having a baby that is already grown !!!!

    Congratulations Tonya !!!

  2. The perfect Holiday gift! Congratulations to you and your family!


  3. Congrats Tonya! You'll be holding him in no time!
