Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tonya's body issues. We all have issues to overcome. What is yours?

Sometimes many of us need a magazine rack for all our "issues".
Are you letting others hold you down or are you taking action to overcome your issues?

Many people often tell me "it's easy for you to be fit and healthy because your a personal trainer" and more times than I can count people I didn't know would comment that I was too skinny, needed to eat a burger, stop running so much and all the things that attacked my personal appearance.

Why is it socially acceptable to say negative comments to smokers and "skinny" people when it is not acceptable to tell someone that they are fat and need to stop eating and start exercising.

It is because I endured my own stuggles or issues as a child that I am posting this very personal blog posting to show that no matter what your circumstances or issues are that you can overcome them if you engage your emotional well-being and or seek professional help from counseling or personal training to get you well on your way to creating your own success story.

Pictures short description:

Issue: Leg braces at age 4 for my flat feet. I had to sleep with a bar between my knees at night and could only sleep on my back. Kids would say mean things during my years of corrective shoes. I still have issues with my feet and hips. In fact I am suppose to get custom fitted arch supports every 2 years.

Success: Placed second at a cross country meet in high school. Look at those "knock knees" I usually placed in the top 5 every race. I ran 8 years of cross country and track high school/college . Now I participate in triathlons and own my own personal training studio that allows me to focus on inspiring others to get fit.

Issue: 8th grade with lots of spaces between my front teeth and of course the bad bangs hair. Just moved to a new school and you know that's always scary and you have to learn fast who you can trust and find a new group of friends and activities.

Barrier (not really an issue, more of a blessing): 9 months pregnant and only gained 25 pounds. Was doing races all the way up to the end.
Success: Completed a half-ironman triathlon when my son was 2 years old, this pic was after the swim section (the first leg). Race was May 2008. It you want something bad enough then you will find the means or the energy to make it happen.
What ever your issues are, you are not alone. Many of our clients finally decide to do something about them and seek out our professional fitness training and kick themselves for not doing it sooner.

This was posted by Tonya Tittle of Energy Fitness. If your looking for a personal trainer in downtown memphis, then you have found one. Energy Fitness has created the "Energize Method" that finally gets you the results you want and need to live a healthier and more confident life. (and we guarantee results!) We are located at 552 South Main. 901.523.2348. Check out our site at

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