Wednesday, October 1, 2008

You're Not Getting Enough Protein

That statement is true for most people, especially women. Granted, sitting on the couch and watching Deal or No Deal is a lifestyle that doesn't require a lot of protein, but for the rest of us, matters are different.

Building muscle is the best way to reshape your body and boost metabolism, and you absolutely cannot build muscle without getting enough protein. For the average adult to actually build lean muscle, you need at least 70-90 grams of protein a day. The number goes up the more you weigh (Multiply your weight in pounds by 0.5-0.9, and this will give you the range you need.)

So look at the nutritional information of the foods you eat to find out how much protein is in it. Think about it: if you're eating about 5 times a day, you'd have to get 14 grams of protein at each meal or snack to get 70 in a day. Which means that little salad you had for lunch isn't going to cut it.

Another advantage to adding more protein to your diet is it gives sustainable energy, and you will actually feel full after you eat. Try adding a protein drink to your routine (especially if you're working out.) You might think some protein powder and milk (or whatever you mix it with), isn't going to fill you up as much as a snack. Try it, and you'll be pleasantly surprised.

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